Hi, I’m working on this site partly for fun and partly because I wish to share information on one of the most beautiful mountain massifs in Italy: the Gran Sasso d’Italia, in the central Apennines. In particular, my aim is to include a list of walks that I have done there, with descriptions, photos and gps tracks.

Enjoy it!


List of walks

routehighest pointascentdistance
Around Campo PericoliPizzo Cefalone (2,533 m)1,000 m12.9 km
"Highs and Lows"Passo del Cannone (2,698 m)850 m13.14 km
Corno Grande "easy"Corno Grande (2,912 m)782 m10.00 km
Wild Monte PrenaMonte Prena (2,561 m)1,023 m14.00 km
Corno PiccoloCorno Piccolo (2,655 m)812 m7.40 km
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